Science Networking: Role of Online Encyclopaedias (2025)

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Croatian Encyclopaedia of Technology: Objectives and Methodology

Natasa Jermen

Research into the Croatian technology heritage has been limited so far, and focused mainly on the biographies of the Croatian-born inventors and scientists (eg. Nikola Tesla, Roger Joseph Boscovich), resulting in the inadequate representation of technology in the educational system and public perception. In light of these circumstances, in 2014 the Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicogaphy initiated the project for the online Croatian Encyclopaedia of Technology, which is carried out in collaboration with all the relevant institutions and experts within the field. This paper reports on the objectives and methodology of the project. By describing historical development in addition to the current state of technology in Croatia, the main purpose of this open access Encyclopaedia is to comprehensively summarise the field's knowledge. Besides its contribution to understanding the role of technology in a social and cultural context, it will serve as a platform for knowledge networking and sharing, thus facilitating research into the Croatian history of technology. Furthermore, this paper will discuss the innovative role of the Encyclopaedia. Due to the importance of the technological artefacts in research and education, the traditional textual encyclopaedic content will be upgraded using available digital data about the artefacts accessible to the public, thus creating a virtual museum of technology. To conclude, we will explain how networking of information from various sources and encyclopaedically organised knowledge could contribute to the development of the history of technology, as well as to the revalorisation and the sustainability of the technology heritage.

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Towards a New Concept of Open Access Online Encyclopaedia : A Case Study from Croatia The Role of Encyclopaedias Today 1

Natasa Jermen

ELPUB 2020 24rd edition of the International Conference on Electronic Publishing, 2020

Professionally edited open access online encyclopaedias enable a systemic and reliable orientation within the ever-increasing amount of data and information on the Internet. Providing access to scientifically verified information, they represent an important part of the research and didactic infrastructure. This paper demonstrates the activities of Croatia’s Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography aimed at exploring the new encyclopaedic concept in the digital age. The Institute’s digital transformation is shown, which involves the digitisation and online publishing of archival editions, publishing of the permanently updated online general encyclopaedia, and the transformation of specialised encyclopedias to the encyclopaedic portals. Encyclopaedic portals could represent a new concept of encyclopaedias in the digital realm by serving as platforms for data networking and sharing, a sort of ‘junction points’ that connect diverse digital content on a specific topic. Institute’s publicly available repository of encyclopaedic knowledge enables the linking to the digital data and collections of other research and cultural institutions; therefore the collaborative projects aimed at reinforcing digital research and cultural infrastructure will be described. Thanks to the properties of the digital media and increasing connectivity, a closer collaboration between professionally edited online encyclopaedias across Europe (and beyond) is enabled. This paper elaborates a range of initiatives seeking to build connections across individual European and North American national encyclopaedias, focusing on the role that Croatian encyclopaedistics plays in this endeavour.

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The Role of Online Encyclopaedia in the Preservation of Cultural Heritage

Natasa Jermen

As a subject of research, analysis, and presentation, cultural heritage usually consists of the groups of individual tangible and intagible components, which are significantly stratified (in terms of subject, region, nation, period etc). The transition from the 'individual' toward 'general' and surpassing the fragmetation of knowledge is achievable by means of knowledge linking and networking. Innovative information technology tools, as well as the development of Digital Humanities, enable new possibilities of knowledge linking and networking. Thanks to their structured organisation and the system of linking of fragmented knowledge, traditional encylopaedic works are precursors of the advanced information technology solutions for data retrieval and search, which incorporate even the Internet. Moreover, the modern online encyclopaedias, as the means of structuring the unstructured data, are one of the generators of a fundamental structure of the Semantic Web. In addition, modern encyclopaedic projects performed in a digital environment, online encyclopaedias, and encyclopaedic portals of knowledge allow for continous updating and content expansion, as well as for a collaboration and cooperation between the content providers and users. In such a way, they can serve as the ideal platforms for the internal and external knowledge networking by linking to the digital data and collections from other institutons, thus also acting as a basic component of the scientific and professional infrastructure for the preservation of cultural heritage.This paper will demonstrate various functionalities that have recently contributed to the transition of online encyclopaedias into the platfoms for knowledge dissemination, sharing and networking. This paper's premises will be elaborated on the Croatian Encyclopaedia of Technology – a project of encyclopaedisation, research, and aggregation of Croatian technological heritage as a part of national cultural heritage. Keywords: online encyclopaedia, knowledge networking, Semantic Web, scientific and professional infrastructure, Croatian technological heritage, Croatian Encyclopaedia of Technology

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Science Networking: Role of Online Encyclopaedias (2025)


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.